Natus RetCam Shuttle

Clinical Benefits
- RETCAM IN THE NICU Imaging preemies for physician evaluation of pediatric ocular diseases
- RETCAM IN NEWBORN NURSERY Imaging full-term babies for physician evaluation of pediatric ocular diseases and establish a baseline for future eye health
- RETCAM IN THE OR Imaging full-term babies for physician evaluation Imaging of children who undergo examinations under anesthesia
- RETCAM IN THE CLINIC Imaging provides information that can be shared with parents to help them better understand the physician evaluation
Exclusive Features
- Wide field of view, 120 degrees.
- Five interchangeable lenses
- CE and FDA Cleared Device & Database
- Can be used on animals as well (Vet.)
Wide Angle Fundus Camera
Pediatric Eye Imaging system, significantly greater field of view with images captured by RetCam compared to binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy.